Every day, about 510k people publish tweets and it's still growing sharply according to Alexa. Many employees even hiring managers from lead company such as IBM, Google and Apple, recruit in Twitter.
It's said that Twitter is a next-generation instant messaging tool. You can get immediately response after your request for the postion. Further more, you can build your career network here.
Recently, my friend Kevin filled a envious engineering position in SF bay area via Twitter. I was amzing and ask him for the tricks. He share with me that twitter could not only use to chat and blog , but also could build your personal brand and career network. 7 tips here may be useful:
1.Build your personal brand
- Be true- Important! Your profile must be real or nobody will hire you.
- Be yourself- You must let recruiter who you are. About more info URL, Kevin recommend me put the LinkedIn, Jobster profile or other could present your skills. Bio must brielfly summrize your
- Be active- Twitter can make you industry expert.
2.Track your dream jobs in real time
Twitter IM device let you get the information of your ideal jobs immediately.
- First, add your IM device. Now, Twitter supports GTalk,
LiveJournal and Jabber. Go to Twitter device, input your instant messenger address. Simply add twitter@twitter.com to the IM.
- Then, you can track. Want a SEO (search engine optimiazation) jobs, type "track SEO jobs" and send to the bot. It will update while there publishes SEO jobs. OK, you can also track vacancies from specific company, industry and postion.
- Final, Twitter may update frequent, at this time, you need to limit your location, your industy. I recommend you use GTalk for it's easy to find the history in your GMail(you must setting it in you GTalk at first).
3.Search most updated openings
Many twitter applications supports the real time search in Twitter. When the job published, you can get the most recent information by searching Summize. For more search tool, find here in Delicious.
4.Connect to your target company
OK, after you find your right job opening, ask company employee to refer. It seems Twitter is not the place. However, it is. More effective, more efficient than LinkedIn.
You can directly contact the information publisher, follow him/her, send him/her message. In Twitter, use "@somebody" to send public messages. You may show your eager to have the job, ask him/her the detail. It'll response secondly- only 30 seconds- my best record. :-)
Of course, here is also easy to connect to the company employee. Find jobs in Indeed, search referrers here. Use TwitterMind to search users from the company. @them and ask for refer.
5.Expand your network
You can be an industry expert in Twitter. Expand your network in your field. Follow industry experts, follow their friends (may also experts), network with them, ask them, announce the news or answer their questions. A lot will follow you then. If you want a new job, just in your Twitter, is that cool?
6.Get advices all over the world
Of course, you must have many followers or following much guys. If you have some problem, either interview tips, or salary information, put them in Twitter. Advices all over the world run to you! I love it.
Although, Twitter recruitment may be not very hot now. However, it'll be! More and more companies will in for the convenient and effective.
Start Tweeting for your next career now!
Great message in this article - it's exciting what we can do with Twitter isn't it!
I am currently applying for a job which i did not directly find through Twitter, but it was your Twitter response to an "I wish ..." tweet of mine that encouraged me to look. And i have had a lot of support and advice via Twitter. It's great! :)
@sermoa Thanks, yeah, I think twitter is useful then. I've talked with my friend Kevin, and thanks to his information. However, I believe more and more recruiters will rush in Twitter and hunt the right candidates who have strong brand in Tweets. It'll be twitter world soon. :-)
Great article! I was a writer for a SEO magazine for an year and know that I'm starting my own SEO project I decided to check "this twitter thing" out. I have an account there for less than a week and I already have over 10 followers and even though I've put the link to my e-magazine only in my "website" section and never tweeted about it yet, I still see some serious traffic coming from twitter.com
Thanks for the article!
Best Regards,
Thanks for this. If you're interested, we have put together a directory of 400 twitter job feeds at http://workhound.co.uk/twitter
We tried to only list feeds that sent less than 1 tweet an hour and had all the relevant info for job seekers.
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