Thursday, July 24, 2008

Get job to a prestigious company

Most recently, I hunted the job on a prestigious company. Here is my tips:

First, you should prepare a good CV:

  • Make sure your CV is as short/concise as possible (2 or 3 pages max)
  • 80% of the selling must be done at first half of first page
  • Make sure your CV carries the keywords that are on the role description.

You can visit & LinkedIn for information.

Second, submit your CV out to as many as you can. You must use as many job portals as possible for posting up your CV, e.g. dice, monster and careerbuilder. Also, get the CV out to as many recruitment agents as possible. If you update it later on, send out the updated copy. When you see a suitable role advertised today, apply for it straight away. Do not take 2-3 days (unless there is a deadline sometime in the future).

Most important, you must use your network as much as you can.

  • Contact your previous companies and supervisors and ask them about any roles they might have.
  • When you apply for a job, call the consultant after one day to ensure your CV is there and he/she can then remember you. You may also engage an informal conversation with the recruiter.
  • Today, there’s also some service that you can ask for referral, e.g., whototalkto. I personally recommend you to jobirn ( While there, you can direct chat to the company insider and recruiter through instant messenger.

You must contact recruiter immediately and skillfully. Where a recruiter's name and telephone number are provided, follow up with a phone call to discuss the application. Of course, real time job service is also a good option. If the recruiter does not get back to you, do not call up again and again. They are busy and you are probably not on the short-list. If they want you for an interview they will call you back! Spend your time finding the next opportunity.

It’s a long time run while hunting job. Keep in mind, do not give up and spend time, keep finding those suitable roles and apply for them. Set a daily/weekly target. Persistence will pay off.

If you are in between jobs, think about some training/development. Job related skills, IT skills or a new language.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chat with Microsoft Hiring Manager: 50+ Job Openings Available


Tuesday, July 15, 2008




Microsoft (Shanghai) hiring manager Junboz, will be featured on on Tuesday July 15, from 9a.m to 5p.m (PST).

He will chat with applicants who are interested in job openings in Microsoft Shanghai.

Moreover, he will identify and hire 50 qualified candidates.


We are doubling our core Engneering team in Shanghai from 50+ people to 100+ people in next fiscal year. If you are smart, passionate solid coder with a Shanghai dream, don't miss this opportunity. We offer excellent compensation and relocation!

Don't miss the opportunity! Logon to and chat with Junboz. is a job-referral company. It connects job applicants with insider employees in companies. believes it gives qualified candidates higher opportunities to catch the attention of the right managers. Referrers, once featured, will usually make significant amount of bonus (Employee Referral Bonus) from his own company, if the recommended candidates are hired.